Messages from Diverse Sources
Monday, December 12, 2022
Behold Children, I Come to Gather My Army, an Army to Fight against Evil
Message from Our Lady to Simona in Zaro di Ischia, Italy of December 8, 2022

I saw Mama, She was dressed in white, on Her head the crown of twelve stars and a blue mantle that also covered Her shoulders and reached down to Her feet, to which She wore simple sandals. In Her right hand Mamma had a staff with a curved tip and in Her left a long holy rosary beads made of light. On Mama's left was St. Michael the Archangel with armor and spear in his hands, like a great warrior, and at his side St. Gabriel the Archangel and St. Raphael the Archangel; on Mama's right were many saints and behind and around a myriad of angels singing.
Praised be Jesus Christ
Behold children, I come to gather My army, an army to fight against evil. Beloved children, say your yes loudly, say it with love and determination without looking back, without ifs or buts, say it with a heart filled with love. My children, let the Holy Spirit inundate you, let Him mold you into new creatures. My children, these are hard times, times of silence and prayer. My children, I am beside you, I listen to your sighs and wipe your tears, in times of sorrow, of trial, of weeping clasp with greater strength the crown of the holy rosary and pray. My children, in moments of sorrow run to church, there My living and true Son awaits you and will give you strength. My children I love you, pray children, pray.
Now I give you My holy blessing.
Thank you for flocking to Me.